Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

September 28th, 2011

(no subject) @ 07:24 pm

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Date: October 2nd, 2011 09:29 pm (UTC)
Jules couldn't understand never hitting someone before. The whole concept was alien to him, it was in his nature. "What do you mean you've never hit anyone? In junior year I hit my roommate so hard he swallowed a tooth! It took the nurse three hours to find it in his belly. And that was just because he touched my guitar.." He frowned and shook his head.
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Date: October 2nd, 2011 09:42 pm (UTC)
Tatum stared blankly at the older boy, slowly raising one of her eyebrows. "N-Never hit anyone as in.. never hit anyone? I mean, like.. Sera, but that doesn't r-really count. I've never fought somebody," she explained, getting a bit flustered even at the thought. She had been bullied a fair bit over the years, but fighting back was never really her instinct.

"P-Playing dead is more my style?"

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry