Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Michi/Hunter @ 05:32 pm

[info]texasranger commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Even when Hunter was walking across the stage, making sure to grin big for her photograph while she shook the Headmaster's hand and took her diploma, it all seemed surreal. Could it really be over just like that? It felt like just yesterday that she and Mack were just kids, worried that she wouldn't even get to come to Blue Ridge. But now it was over, almost nine years all together, and she could barely believe that she had made it so far. Her road was marred with more than her share of screw-ups and trouble, granted, but she had made it none the less. On top of being a parent, she was actually a graduate, and more importantly now, an actual certified auror.

Getting a real job was going to be weird, but she knew that it was a necessity. She still hadn't told her parents about her engagement or Izzy yet, and she had a feeling that they wouldn't take kindly to the news or to him, even if he was her son. They would probably be more mad that she hadn't given birth herself. It felt like all they had ever expected out of her. They hadn't even shown up to her graduation, or sent word that they wouldn't be coming. She could practically imagine them bitching now about how they wouldn't be giving her cash to be spending their hard-earned money on some runaway whore's baby. Hard-earned being their own words whenever they tried to prove a point to their daughter; Hunter was sure they had never earned a single thing they had in their lives. It made her sneer. Her mother and father had been born with silver spoons in their mouths, and so had she. It would be there still if she played by the rules, had married someone they approved of by now and not been a witch. But playing to their standards was never Hunter's style, and she was going to earn her own damn money and take care of her own damn business, even if it was going to be a rough start. She didn't need them, and they could be damned if they were rude to her or Michi when she told them about their little family.

She made her way off the stage, the realization sinking in that she needed to look for a job and she might not have a summer vacation this year, as Michi and Izzy came bounding toward her. She had her graduation cap crookedly on her head, grinning widely at the sight of them, and jogging the rest of the way across the green to meet them. "Hey you," she greeted Michi, leaning in to kiss her cheek before dropping her rolled up diploma into her fiance's purse, and liberating Izzy from her arms. She immediately began showering his face in kisses once she had him propped up comfortably in the crook of her arm. "And ma's lil slugger, I didn't forget about you!"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry