Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 11:32 pm

[info]alwaysontop posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Sera smirked slightly when Tatum threatened to kick her out, this sister bonding time was really getting off to a great start. And to think she came there to be nice and comfort Tatum after her breakup. "You're so rude, I never said I thought I was the queen or any of that. I'm simply not sitting on the floor, when there's a bed, a loveseat, and a computer chair."

She looked up at Tatum, watching her get even angrier. She wouldn't budge. When Tatum stood in front of her threatening her again, Sera reached one hand from behind her head and pulled out her wand from her pocket. "Go ahead drag me." She insisted, her wand right in Tatum's face. "But I'd prefer if you'd stop being a bitch and we could just watch the show. Calm down, find a seat and I won't have to jinx you."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry