Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 03:26 pm

[info]alwaysontop posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

"I'm not an asshole Tatum, I just don't get how a heterosexual woman such as yourself could have such a problem with me saying that, I was obviously talking about the fruit tray." She jumped a little when the door slammed behind them, she didn't know what Tatum's problem was really, well maybe she did.

She smirked again at her sister, this was pretty amusing after all. She continued to get comfy on the couch, and reached out a hand to grab a piece of melon off the table. "I am not I didn't break a single thing, I simply made room that all."

She glared at her sister leaned back even more, tucking her hands behind her head and stretching out her legs. She wasn't moving. "I'm not sitting on the floor, what the hell Tatum? There's room for two people so you can come sit up here with your sister and pretend you like me or find somewhere else."

She glared over at her sister, holding her ground, and trying to hold back her urge to smile. "I'm your guest Tatum, it's only polite."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry