Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

May 26th, 2012

Memorial Day Picnic @ 01:46 pm


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Date: May 28th, 2012 12:51 pm (UTC)


Dani did not want to talk about prom. She especially didn't want to talk about what happened afterwards either. She knew she had drank too much but she had never done something so stupid as what she did on prom night. Waking up next to Julien Prideaux was a not so subtle reminder that she was dumb to drink that much without having a back up. After a scurried and awkward dismissal from his room, she vowed to never look the kid in the face again. Drunkenly loosing her virginity to some weird French kid; that was something she would never live down. Her friends were already teasing her, speaking to her in French every chance they got.

Carry on though. She knew it would die down any minute and she wasn't going to hide in her room forever. It was hot as hell and she wasn't planning on wasting a perfect beach day tucked away like some nerd.

"Bonjour mon amie!" one of her friends called to her as she walked down the length of the beach away from her hastily piled stash of clothes. Laddy kept up at pace with her, bounding happily toward the water.

"Speak English ya dumb hick! It aint like you understand what in the hell yer sayin!" Dani hollered, turning her head in the other direction. It was too late when Laddy tried to nudge her out of the way. She ran smack right into someone. "Fuck me," she growled without seeing who it was.

When she looked up though, her face paled. "I mean... sorry. Damn it Laddy what good are ya, lettin' me run into people," she tried to blame the dog for her mishap. Of all the people at the beach of course she ahd to literally run into Julien.
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Date: May 28th, 2012 01:52 pm (UTC)

Re: Dani/Julian

Although Jules had vowed to never sleep wh another girl again after the Tatum incident, and her subsequent hospital visit which he was sure was Frankie's wrath, he hadn't exactly been keeping up with his promise.

Standing somewhere near the water, his own pup on a leash, he wasn't exactly paying attention to where he was going when there were so many girls in bikinis frolicking and whatever else they did at the beach. His dog made a bee line for Laddy, causing the two owners to collide. "Je suis desole!" he blurted automatically before grining sheepishly. "Oh, hi. What is up?"
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Date: May 28th, 2012 01:58 pm (UTC)


"God damn it," she smacked herself in the head and tried to ignore the distant hooting in the background from her friends on the other side of the beach. "It's what's up not what is up, makes you sound like a damn fool," she muttered. "Aint nothin' up either," she shrugged. "You're a damn pale fool, I didn't think vampires came out in the sunlight," she smirked.

Laddy was completely oblivious, enjoying the other dog's company. She looked away from the older boy to check in on the dogs. "Look at them fools," she said gesturing toward the dogs.
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Date: May 28th, 2012 02:04 pm (UTC)


"You're delightful today" Julian remarked with a smirk. Her remark abut his colour stung a little, he did try to tan a little during the summer and he thought it had been coming along nicely. Instead he just shrugged and let Lotte off her leash as they were both getting tangled up in it.

"They seem to like each other. I think biting ears is puppy language for 'I love you'" he joked.
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Date: May 28th, 2012 02:10 pm (UTC)


"Yeah well," she stared at her feet. She just couldn't help herself, defenses were always up with other people around. "Sorry," she muttered almost incoherently. "So you got a holiday like this in France? Aint you guys always revoltin' and shit? I feel like we could use a good revolt here every so often," she mused.

"Laddy is a dope for other dogs," she smiled. "I think he is in love the second another dog looks at him," she paused. "Your pup is cute."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry