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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry |
May 12th, 2012Comments
Tatum was definitely less than enthused about going to prom. It looked nice inside of King's Hall, and Mack did look so dapper in her coat. She had even gotten a dress that, aside from the obnoxious yellow color that seemed to draw the gaze of anyone she walked by, wasn't so bad. She was sort of okay with the fairy tale theme, once she realized most people were just picking Disney movies. She was pretty sure that she had seen both Shelby and Leland dressed as Hercules. It definitely could have been worse and she appreciated what Mack had done, both talking to her step-mom and putting the ladies at the dress shop in line, but her mind was entirely elsewhere, anywhere but at the dance.
She was still focused on the scratches on Mack's back that they still hadn't shown to Kia, or Ichirou. Good lord, if they told, they'd have to explain how they got there in the first place. Their exploits up against the wall of change room at the dress shop were not something she was ready to discuss with her Headmaster or her girlfriend's sister. She hadn't even told Sam or Tito, though she figured that they would know what to do best of all. They usually did when it came to the wolf stuff. Mostly, she felt ashamed. She had known for a fact that she needed to be more careful now, that she was infected by something that wasn't going to go away, but sometimes when the full moon was far enough off, she did still forget. Her nails had scratched down Mack's back days ago, something stupid that she always did but should have known better than to do now, and still the marks hadn't healed up yet. Accidents always served the purpose of bringing reality home. She was a monster, and even just the dragging of her fingernails over her girlfriend's back, just enough to barely break the skin, was enough to contaminate her. It was easy enough to feel bad for Sam and his dad, they hadn't asked for this and it certainly wasn't their fault, but for herself she only felt contempt. She had been so dumb. She never should have even touched the blonde, or anyone for that matter. How was she supposed to be trusted with a baby in the house? Which was another worry running through her brain. She hadn't seen Michi or Hunter yet, but they were supposedly coming, and she was definitely concerned about this dance tonight. What if something happened? If Michi went into labor, she couldn't panic and pass out or anything. That would leave her with nobody to deliver her baby on the dance floor except Marney Sykes, and she didn't think her friend would forgive her for that one. She had to stay focused, and remember that she did have a vast medical knowledge, despite how much her brain would tell her to bail if things got messy. Really, she was just hoping that the kid would stay up there for a few more days or so anyway. She didn't realize how lost in thought she was until she realized Mack was speaking to her, and she hadn't heard a word of it. Tightening the grip that she had on her girlfriend's hand, the redhead tried to stand on her tip-toes a bit, peering around to see any of their friends she could find. "What?" Tatum asked finally, remembering she still had no idea what the blonde had just said to her. She had seen Sera walk by in her Prince Charming outfit, and the younger girl looked.. well, ridiculous, but surprisingly dapper in her own right. Cinderella was totally a stupid fairy tale though, Beauty and the Beast had to be where it was at.
Mackenzie had sensed her girlfriends lack of enthusiasm towards prom. At first, she had thought it was because of the dress, and so she had convinced her step-mom to back off on the frilly pink dress assignments. They had found Tatum a stunning dress that the younger girl had liked, and Mack had liked even more. Things had gotten hot and heavy after that, and Mack left the dress shop with a satisfied girlfriend and a smirk on her face. The blonde thought that things could go smoothly after that, they could go to prom and enjoy themselves. Of course, things never did go the way she really wanted them to.
The scratches on her back that Tatum had inflicted during their little romp in the dressing room hadn't healed. They hadn't even really scabbed over, which was starting to worry the both of them. It wasn't near the full moon, and Mack had thought they would be okay. Tatum had always been a bit of a scratcher, it hadn't crossed the blonde's mind at all that the wolf thing could effect that. She had been bandaging up her back since the dress store, but she knew if it didn't heal soon, she would have to go to her sister. She knew that it was worrying Tatum. More than making her worried, it was probably causing her to draw up inside herself again. The younger girl thought of herself as a monster and Mack was slowly trying to convince her otherwise. And to top everything off, Michi was due soon. Mack had hoped that prom could be something fun and special, a way to take her girlfriends mind off all the stresses of their everyday life. By the look of Tatum's face, it wasn't working so far. The girl looked tense and fidgety. Mackenzie noticed that she was doing that thing that she always did when she was stressed out or worrying. The small redhead was biting her lip, and gripping the blonde's hand a little tighter than normal. "Babe, relax," she said soothingly. "Everything's going to be alright." She felt Tatum's hand tighten, but she knew that the girl hadn't heard her. The redhead was looking around, scanning the crowd. Mack chuckled, waiting for her to register that she was being talked to. Finally, Tatum acknowledged that she had been spoken to and Mack pulled the smaller girl to her. She wrapped her arms around Tatum's waist from behind and rested her chin on the girl's shoulder. "Where are ya at, space cadet?" she said quietly, giving the smaller girl a peck on the cheek. "You look like this is the last place you want to be tonight." |
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