Michi had not intended on going anywhere. Monkey was due any day now, granted she was late but Tatum and Hunter had both insisted that it was totally fine. Still, she was nervous and she wanted to sit tight all night in the apartment in case she went into labor. It was a guessing game but she felt like a ticking time bomb. Every little kick made her jump, her heart was in her throat pretty much the whole time. She had tried to argue that she did not want her water to break in public, that she was too huge to move, that she had nothing to wear, that she would not give birth in King's Hall at prom. Hunter had practically begged though and she never lasted long against the blonde's pout.
She moved slowly, probably more slowly than ever before. She felt ridiculous as well and she smelled like pineapple. She was practically waddling around, only capable of swaying to the music. This was sure to go down as the worst prom in history.
Michi snuggled into Hunter as they swayed though, feeling comfortable and warm in her arms. She rested her head and sighed. "Yeah baby, it's alright," she didn't want to let on that she felt like she was dying. "I know I'm not good for as many moves as usual," she grimaced. "I'll just have to owe you."