Hunter had ended up a little bit drunker than she had intended. With everything that was going on, Monkey being late and the end of the school year with graduation looming so close, a few social drinks had quickly turned into several nervous chugs. She was going to be a parent, and a graduate, in less than a couple of months now. She had been doing exceptionally well, for her anyway, with keeping herself from getting totally loaded during most of the year so far. Her drinking had been very much under wraps. But this was prom!
Granted, it was high school prom and she was just a university kid along for the ride. Hell, had her own senior prom really been two years ago? No matter, it was a time for celebration. Who could say no to a beer bong at a celebration? Definitely not her.
She knew that Michiko was pretty irritated with her, she had tried really hard to hide how drunk she was from her fiancee, but to no avail. But she was also pretty sure that Michi was hanging out with Tatum somewhere now. That girl was like, basically a doctor or something. She could take care of it. Monkey was already late, what difference would staying up there another night or two matter? When a couple of guys from the Roanoke Quodpot team challenged her to a race through the woods, after she had been bitching loudly about her former house losing the Quodpot cup to Quirank and Appalachia of all houses, her responsibilities were the last thing on her mind.
Drunk and determined, there was no way she was losing to a bunch of kids, and she went full-tilt as she dashed through the forest, seemingly oblivious to the branches and things whipping by her face and getting tangled in her hair. She looked like she had been on the wrong end of a fight with the trees when she came bursting out of the foliage, just a few paces away from Ace. Her head whipped up at the sound of her name, and she stared at him wide-eyed, slightly hunched over and out of breath as she stood in the middle of the little clearing.
"My main man!" Hunter crowed happily, straightening herself up and glancing around. Either none of those stupid kids had even run after her, or they were completely slow. No wonder they had lost the cup. Either way, it was just her and her boss, standing around as she held a hand over her mouth and exhaled against it, trying to see how badly her breath reeked of liquor. Pretty bad, it seemed, as she fixed on her best charmingly drunk smile. "What brings you.. out on this fine evenin' here. I was jus'.. patrolling the woods, y'know. Keeping it safe," she explained, picking a big chunk of twigs from where they were tangled in her hair.