Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Ace/Hunter @ 04:18 pm

[info]stopthat commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Ace couldn't exactly remember the last time he had had a proper nights sleep, but patrolling the school grounds was an important task that he didn't think anyone else was up to. All night had had heard the party in the woods, but he'd stayed back as far as he could. He wasn't here to bust students, but if he did happen on any he was going to have to take them up to the school, so avoiding it seemed like the best idea.

He rested up against a tree for a couple of minutes, rubbing at his neck tiredly. In fact, he could feel his eyes getting heavy and his head lolling forward when it snapped back up, suddenly alert at the noise of breaking twigs. He pulled out his wand and squinted around the tree, but it was dark as shit. He was contemplating lighting his wand when a familiar blonde-haired kid bust out of the woods.

"Fuck- Hunter. Fuck!" he sighed, leaning back against the tree with a deep frown.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry