(no subject) @ 01:40 pm
Characters: Mackenzie and Tatum
Setting: Dress shopping for Prom!
Content: SFW probably, besides swearing and well, these two.
Summary: Mackenzie, after befriending Madeline, convinced her to let Tatum pick her own dress for once. With her approval of course.
Mackenzie had never really enjoyed prom before. She had, of course, gone to prom her junior and senior year of high school. She couldn't really remember who she had taken, it had been some random girl she had wanted to get in the pants of. She vaguely remembered dancing with Marney one year, but she wasn't sure. This year was different however, she had Tatum this year. As much as it killed the blonde girl to get all sappy and romantic, she just couldn't help it when it came to Tatum. She wanted to show off the girl she loved and have a good time. She had already asked Madeline's permission to take Tatum, like the southern gentlemen she was, and had convinced the woman to let Tatum pick out her own dress for once. At first she had been wary of the woman, angry at her even, but Madeline had somehow wormed her way into the blonde girl's heart. Now she texted her all the time with updates about Tatum and silly pictures of the two of them.
While Madeline had been easy to convince to let her take the redhead dress shopping, her daughter hadn't been as easy. Mackenzie had to coax the girl out of the car once she had realized where the tall blonde had brought her, and had been being difficult ever since they had arrived. Currently, Mackenzie was on the phone with Madeline while Tatum refused to come out of the dressing room.
"I tell you Mads, she's absolutely refuses to leave the dressing room." Mack drawled into the phone just loud enough for Tatum to hear. Sitting on the couches outside of the curtained dressing room. "I've asked nicely and she even gave me the finger once!" It was a life of course, Tatum hadn't given her the finger, just grumbled about her punching the blonde later. "I'm going to give it another try, thanks for the permission to use force! Love ya too Mads!"
Mackenzie hung up the phone, and laughed to herself as she went back into the dressing rooms to try and get Tatum to show her the dress. "Tate, gorgeous," she cooed, shaking the curtain a little to let the girl know she was there. "Please come out and show me the dress? You've already refused to try on five of them, I just wanna see! I promise you don't have to buy it if you hate it, but come on, work with me here a little." Mack sighed, and leaned in against the curtain. "I promise I'll make it worth your while," she purred low enough so only Tatum could hear her.
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