Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

May 2nd, 2012

(no subject) @ 07:45 am

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Date: May 8th, 2012 10:57 pm (UTC)
"They must get that from you I guess?" Sera laughed, trying to tease Jenny a bit. She gave her a sly smirk but for just a second as she had to quickly turn and pull the door closed behind her once the dogs started off. With Maurey pulling at the end of his leash she had barely enough time to make sure it was even locked but with no time to double check she took the step or two necessary to catch up to Jenny. Reaching the blond she quickly grabbed Jenny's hand that was oftered to her.

"You were an amazing Head Girl Jen. And yeah it was kind of a shitty year, but that wasn`t your fault, and you still shined. And looked pretty damn sexy doing it too! Seriously you were amazing try not to worry too much about it babe? Everyone stresses at graduation time right?"

The dogs continued to lead the way down through the common room and out into the main hall and outside. Reaching the bottom step Jerry stopped, sniffed the ground and began to head off in the complete opposite direction from where Maury was going. The brunette gave a slight pull back on the smaller dogs leash and looked over at Jenny, still just barely managing to keep a hold of her hand. Usually they were twisting themselves in circles around their legs and Sera wasn't sure what was worse. "Which way do you want to go? Woods? Field? the Parking lot? I don't know, they can't pick so you have to decide

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry