Grinning at the sight of Jenny and the dogs outside the door, Sera bent down and gave Jerry a slight push off her legs. "Good boy!" She told him, still bent down she petted his head for a moment before getting up. They were always so excited whenever she saw them and she really couldn't help but love them at least a bit. Dogs weren't exactly her cup of tea but as long as Jerry and Maury didn't try to lick her face, or do anything else equally as gross, they weren't really so bad. She gave the smaller dog just a bit more attention before petting the other dog on the head too, who was now pawing at her leg as well. "You too Maur." She giggled a bit. "You're a good boy too.
Ruffling the larger dogs ears once more she stood up, gripping Jerry's leash
in her hand. She stood up and leaned in to give Jenny a kiss. "Yeah, I'm ready if you are? They seem ready to go it looks like!" The brunette giggled again, glancing and nodding her head down at the dogs, who were already pulling on their leashes and trying to head down the hall. She had been back in her room for a while after classes ended and was just getting a head start on a bit of homework while she waited for the older girl. She knew Jenny would be over to get her anytime so she'd made sure to change out of her uniform and into her walking clothes before she settled in with her books.
"You feeling alright, Jen?" Sera asked, glancing over at her girlfriend for a second as they headed towards the stairs. She seemed mostly normal but something seemed just a bit off about her girlfriend. She couldn't put her finger on what it was but if something was bothering her, it was the perfect time for them to talk about it.