Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April 5th, 2012

(no subject) @ 12:05 am

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Date: April 4th, 2012 09:08 pm (UTC)
"Get offa me" Faith whined, swatting at Sasha half-heatedly. "That tickles." She made no moves to get away from him though, and only pointed her wand at the door to make sure the charms were in place before lighting a cigarette.

"Colorado is much better. Fresh air, none of this stupid humid bull shit" she agreed.
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Date: April 4th, 2012 09:20 pm (UTC)
Sasha grinned, she might have been swatting at him but she wasn't pulling away and that had to mean something. "Well perhaps we should relocate, finish school out there," he said wistfully. "There is nothing wrong with transferring schools right?"

"I have only ever lived here and in Russia," he frowned slightly. "From what I remember, Russia was cold and dry. I do not know what is worse."
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Date: April 4th, 2012 09:32 pm (UTC)
"But I'm not living at another school. You'll have to work at Taco Bell and pay for us to have an apartment" Faith grinned, turning back towards Sasha.

"At least you don't have to wrestle any bears here like in Russia"she said wrly.
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Date: April 4th, 2012 09:37 pm (UTC)
"I would not dream of making you live at another school housing project," he smirked. "But does it have to be Taco Bell? And not McDonalds, that place is a tragedy... in fact... I will find a job that has nothing to do with food."

Sasha tried not to snort at her comment. "You are right, I do not have to wrestle bears here though the temptation is always there."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry