Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April 4th, 2012

(no subject) @ 09:13 am

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Date: April 7th, 2012 09:00 pm (UTC)


Sera had been pretty wary about Hunter's night out from the time the older girl had first brought it up to her. She agreed that it was was probably best that she and Mack weren't at the apartment fretting over Tatum before she left for Sam's house, but clubbing probably wasn't the best thing they could be doing on a Thursday night. It was a school night for starters, and as a general rule, drinking wasn't something she did on school nights. Well, anymore. She hadn't had too much faith in Hunter's fake ID plan either but had she agreed to go along with her scheme anyway. It was Mack's birthday, at least belatedly so. She deserved the night out.

It was Tatum's first full moon. The headmaster might even already be expecting the two of them to miss class in the morning. Maybe to see Tatum off? He didn't really need to know they were just out partying all night. She hated the thought of lying but it was at least kind of for a good cause, wasn't it?

After they had gotten past the bouncer without more than a second look, Sera found herself worrying less and less about class in the morning. The club wasn't even nearly as grimy as she'd been expecting either and the music was amazing. She immediately started accepting the drinks Hunter was buying, trying not to think about the full moon or anything else really. She'd been drinking just glasses of wine at first but by the time Mack came stumbling over to where she was standing, Hunter had already ordered her a few vodka cranberries too, which she was pretty sure were doubles, or maybe triples.

"Hey to you. You can't be talking like that, remember?" Sera giggled a bit, instinctively grabbing Mack around her waist to steady both herself and the older girl, leaning into her a bit more than she knew she should have. "You're g-gonna get us both in trouble. We can only dance if you behave yourself and your grabby-hands," The brunette cooed, leaning in close enough that her lips grazed Mack's neck, her words a bit slurred. She didn't mean to get quite so close, but she was in no state to really think clearly. She turned and finished her drink in hand, returning her empty cup to the table next to her without taking her arm off off Mack's waist. "Hunt's the boss, I guess. Ya r-ready then? You could buy me another drink first though, if you wanted?"
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Date: April 9th, 2012 04:38 pm (UTC)


"Talking like what?" Mack asked confused. What was Sera even talking about? Her brain was buzzing and the fact that Sera was so close was distracting her even more. The girl's arm around her waist, her already close proximity, and was that Sera's lips just grazing her neck? Mack couldn't help but shudder at the small action. "I think we're already in trouble," she replied as Sera finished her drink.

Mackenzie smirked down at the brunette, cocking her eyebrow at her. She leaned in close to Sera's ear, closing the little bit of distance that existed between them even more. "You know I'd never say no to buying a pretty girl like yourself a drink," she purred, her smirk growing wider by the second. "How about a shot? I'll even make it lady's choice."

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry