Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

April 3rd, 2012

(no subject) @ 10:19 pm

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Date: April 3rd, 2012 11:53 pm (UTC)

Later on...

There's a dubious knock at the door.
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Date: April 4th, 2012 01:24 am (UTC)


Marney let out a painful groan, her voice muffled by the couch as she lay faced down on it. She couldn't believe she didn't have anything better to do than hang out with her brother and his kid. Here she was though, the night slowly ticking away as she waited for something to happen. A Coke with several shots of vodka sat next to her on the floor, half full, and she rolled onto her back as her head swam pleasantly.

"Le!" she wined, pouting and looking over at her brother. "I'm so bored! Can't we go do something?" It was starting to get late, and in Marney's opinion the night was just beginning. "Eddie's old enough to drive, right? We should all go out! She can DD."
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Date: April 4th, 2012 01:44 am (UTC)


The night was going just the way it usually did for Leland and Eddie until Marney showed up, though lately, she had been showing up a lot more. Leland would pretend to hate it but really... he spent more time threatening guys who even thought about looking at his sister wrong. Eddie crawled over on the floor next to Marney and poked at the girls hair. Leland was sprawled on the couch, a wand textbook open on his chest but he just wasn't in the mood to read it anymore. He knew he had to go check in with the girls later, to make sure they were still in one piece.

At her groan he rose an eyebrow and looked at her quizzically. "Was there something you expected coming to visit your dear old brother?" he asked, dead pan. At her suggestion though he was nearly falling off the couch. "Eddie is two years old Mars," he said incredulously. "You were at her birthday party last week!" He shook his head. "And no. We're never bringing my daughter to a bar with us!"
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Date: April 4th, 2012 01:56 am (UTC)


"God, well, I figured you might be a little more interesting!" she protested, flopping back onto her back. Leland was incredibly boring on the daily she had decided. Sitting and reading his stupid text book, what was this? School? "You're like an old person Le! Honestly! Are you sure we're the same age?!"

She groaned louder this time, punching the couch with her fist as she lay there. "Seriously, Le? She's only two?! Come on, can't she grow a little faster?" She knew she had been at the kids party last week, had spoiled her even by bringing her that giant Barbie jeep, but she figured Eddie just looked older than she was. She could pull off looking twenty-five when she snuck into the bar, and Eddie was like her bloodline anyway.

"You're such a stick in the mud!" She accused Le, sulking and sitting up to take another drink of her coke.
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Date: April 4th, 2012 02:11 am (UTC)


Leland snorted and flopped over, closer to Marney and smirked. "And what dear sister would ever make you think that there was something interesting about a University student with a child?" Eddie crawled up into his lap and pushed the text book away, it crashed to the floor. "I can get my birth certificate if you'd like," he teased.

"Yes she's only two!" he said gently fixing the little girl's hair. "And she does not need to grow up any faster," he snarled a bit. He didn't want to think about the kind of parent he would be in fourteen years when the boys started showing up on his doorstep. The thought was a bit too much, causing him to shutter. "She need not grow up too soon lest she give daddy a heart attack."

"Harg addack!" Eddie repeated, her hands and Moosey flying up in the air.

"I'm sorry being a responsible parent makes me a stick in the mud," he shrugged. "But I also have to be a responsible friend. Gotta check on the ner... ginger and Michi in a while. Make sure they're still whole," he leaned back into the couch.
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Date: April 4th, 2012 02:29 am (UTC)


"Okay, okay! Calm down papa bear!" she threw up her hands like Eddie and made a silly face at the little girl. "Don't worry kiddo, Auntie Mars will teach you everything you need to know about giving daddy a heart attack!" She cooed at Eddie, and leaned forward to lift her off Le's lap.

She flew the little girl through the air and then plopped her down in her lap, Moosey and everything. "Ginger and Michi?" she inquired, playing with Eddie's hair. "As in Mack and Hunter's girlfriends? Why? You gotta make sure preggo don't pop?" She cackled at her own joke. In all honesty, going over to the girl's apartment sounded a lot more interesting than what was going on now.

"Let's go now!" She said, looking down at Eddie. "How bout it kiddo? Want to go to Uncle Mack and Hunter's place to play?"
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Date: April 4th, 2012 02:34 am (UTC)


"You will do no such thing!" he said accusingly as Marney scooped Eddie out his lap. He frowned at her. "I don't trust you with the future of my daughter's education."

His face lightened as she talked about Tatum and Michi though. "Yeah," he shrugged. "I just... I gotta make sure they aint gettin' into trouble. Them girl's is always gettin' into trouble," he shook his head. "Michi aint gonna pop for another month though."

The thought of bringing his sister to visit with Tatum and Michiko was mildly terrifying. He cringed a little. "Why would y'all wanna go over there? They're probably just having girl talk and playing video games," he knew he wasn't going to win but he had to at least try.
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Date: April 4th, 2012 03:01 am (UTC)


"Oh calm down dad!" Marney scolded, nuzzling Eddie's head. She really adored her brother's child more than she would ever admit. "Eddie will need womanly advice one day! And who better to come to than Auntie? You wouldn't want to give her that advice, would you?"

"Really, Le? You have to ask why I want to go socialize with girl's my age?" She had her own twisted reasons for wanting to go over to the girl's apartment. Tatum was a cutie for sure, and Marney always had fun making the other girl uncomfortable during class. Plus, if it was Mack's apartment, she might catch a glimpse of the blonde girl.

"You men, you just don't understand," she scoffed, waving her finger at Le. "What would you like me to do Le? Stay here with Eddie? or worse, by myself." She grinned wickedly at her brother, "Who knows what kind of trouble I could get into while you're gone!"
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Date: April 4th, 2012 08:26 pm (UTC)


He grimaced. "I don't know what's worse, the idea of having to address it myself or the idea that y'all are gonna be the... source of her knowledge..." he shook his head. "Besides, as far as I'm concerned you don't know a damn thing on subject and I don't wanna hear any different," he grunted.

He watched her skeptically, it wasn't in his nature to trust anyone and even though slipping into the role of grizzly bear brother was easy, trusting was still an entirely new issue. "Well I sure as hell can't leave ya here!" Now that she had said it he knew he had to bring her along. "You'd blow up the damn building!"

Leland shook his head. "Since when did this night become the babysitters club for me? Two dumb broads and a pregnant chick, just my fuckin' luck."
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Date: April 9th, 2012 06:47 pm (UTC)


Marney just rolled her eyes at Le, "I know a thing or two about a thing or two! Just because you don't wanna think about the fact that I have sex and have womanly issues doesn't mean I couldn't help." She pouted at Le over Eddie's head.

Once Leland saw her logic about not leaving her behind, she grinned broadly. "I knew you'd see it my way Le," she told him. She stood up from the couch and twirled Eddie around in the air. "Let's go Ed!" she cooed, placing the girl down on the ground again. "Go get your shoes and Auntie will help you put them on!"

She waited until Eddie was gone before turning back to Leland. "Hey! Watch who you're callin a dumb broad! Tate and I are studying to be mediwitches you know! That takes a lot of brains asshole."
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Date: April 9th, 2012 08:02 pm (UTC)


He covered his ears and squinted his eyes shut. "None of this is real, this is all just an illusion! You don't even have a sister!" he was jokingly trying to drown her out.

Le watched as Eddie toddled out of the living room, grinning to himself before returning his attention to his sister.

"Yeah, a mediwizard who traipses into werewolf infested woods after I've already pulled one of the motherfuckers off her and a mediwizard who seems to think with her metaphorical dick and who can confuse a two year old with a twelve year old." He raised one eyebrow slightly and look at her seriously. "I find myself worried at the future's outlook."

Eddie came hurling into the living room and lunched herself onto the couch with her forest green Converse untied. "Daddy, tie pease," she said shoving her little foot at him.

He grinned. "Then again we always have this awesome kid to look out for," he tied her shoes. Eddie flopped over onto Marney. "C'mon Auntie, time 'a go see Aunie Tater an' Michiko!" And with that the toddler was leading the way.
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Date: April 13th, 2012 07:23 pm (UTC)


"Hey!" Marney scolded Leland once again. She pointed her finger at the boy, her eyes narrowing with amusement. "My metaphorical dick is huge asshole. You should be jealous of it!"

She shut her mouth quickly when Eddie came back into the room and gave the girl a sweet smile. "As much as I hate agreeing with you Le, we do got a great kid to look out for." She ruffled Eddie's hair as she toddled by and about faced to follow her niece. "Lead the way Ed!"
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Date: April 14th, 2012 12:50 am (UTC)


Leland grinned. Sibling banter, it was probably one of the best parts about having a sister and something he could publicly appreciate. It wasn't anything near as embarrassing as the feeling that he didn't have to be alone anymore. He didn't know how but Marney had snuck her way in closer than most people did and she had done it in a few weeks.

"I aint jealous 'a nothing, especially your metaphorical dick!" Even if Eddie was right in front of him, he had no censor. When Eddie was first born he had sworn that he was going to be better about not swearing and using appropriate language. That lasted about one month. He thought it was pretty endearing that Marney was trying so hard to behave in front of her, but he would never say that aloud.

"Kay! We gotta go up 'da stairs! Dey really big but daddy says the damn elelator is makin' us lazy," she giggled and pushed on the front door. Of course it didn't open, Le kept it locked even if they were just sitting in the living room. Deeply ingrained paranoia from his past. He especially didn't want anyone to get in now that he had people to protect. "Auntie, can open door pease?" she asked.
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Date: April 14th, 2012 10:08 pm (UTC)


Marney shot Le a look and smacked him upside the head. "No more of that shit in front of Eddie," she hissed. She figured that it was her job to keep her brother in line since no one else tried to do it. Eddie might already swear like a little sailor but Mars was determined to at least try not to make her too used to the habit.

She walked over to Eddie and lifted the girl up so she could sit on her shoulders. "How about you ride Auntie's shoulders up the stairs, and we can race your dad? Show him that girls are way better than icky boys!" She turned around to look at Le, grasping Eddie's ankles so the little girl wouldn't fall off.

"See you at the top fatty!" she yelled and yanked open the door. She bolted out into the hallway and starting sprinting up the stairs as fast as she could.
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Date: April 14th, 2012 10:17 pm (UTC)


"She don't care," Leland grinned. He knew she didn't care about swearing because she didn't understand it as something that was "bad." He shrugged anyways. "'Sides, they're just words, nothin' harmful."

"Boys aint all icky, just some of 'em," he said to Eddie. "Mostly the ones that aint daddy, right boo?"

"Yep yep!" Eddie cheered, clinging to Marney as she was hoisted up. When Marney took off though she completely forgot about how mush she adored her papa and giggled madly. "GO MARNEY GO!" she cheered as they hustled up the stairs.

He followed them into the hallway, hurriedly trying to lock the door behind him then turned to catch up. He was not naturally fast though. With his broad shoulders and hulking body he was more fit for tackling and defense, he was not made for running. "I aint made for this shit!" he hollered as he chased after them. "Mars you're a damn cheater!" he claimed, still chasing them down.
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Date: April 14th, 2012 10:27 pm (UTC)


Marney cackled as she heard Le thumping along and yelling behind her. "Better hustle that bum old man!" she screamed, starting to take the stairs two at a time. "You're bout to get your ass whipped by your kid and your little sister!"

She wasn't exactly in the best shape she was sucking wind as she reached the landing that Tatum and Michi lived on. Beating her brother however was more important than letting the burning in her legs and lungs get to her. She barreled down the hall to the correct door, slamming her hand against it in victory.

"And the crowd goes wild!!" She cheered, spinning around with Eddie still on her shoulders. "Eddie and Marney win!!"
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Date: April 14th, 2012 10:34 pm (UTC)


He grumbled at her comments from ahead of him but kept up as they both climbed the stairs. If this was the state of things, he knew he needed to start running more. Still, he felt like he was at a natural disadvantage. Coming up to them he slumped against the wall and grimaced. "You're a damn cheater Marney," he accused, still grinning though. "Besides, it makes sense that you would beat me up here because even with Eddie I've still got like twenty pounds on you," he shoved her playfully, careful because Eddie was still on her shoulders.

He shook his head and knocked on the door. "Tate, Mich!" he called. "I brought entertainment!"
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Date: April 17th, 2012 12:30 am (UTC)


Marney just smirked at him and shoved him back. "Yeah, Ed and I have been talking about how you should probably stop eating so much crap and exercise a little!!"

She hammered on the door after Le with both hands, laughing loudly. "Hey Baby Mama! Red! Open this door!!"
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Date: April 17th, 2012 12:58 am (UTC)


Leland scoffed playfully. "What?! I cook real good and we only eat organic snacks in this bitch! I'm like really good at cooking! You should know," he teased.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry