Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Marney/Leland/Tatum/Michi/Eddie @ 10:08 pm

[info]alwaysdtf commented on [info]michimonster's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Marney shot Le a look and smacked him upside the head. "No more of that shit in front of Eddie," she hissed. She figured that it was her job to keep her brother in line since no one else tried to do it. Eddie might already swear like a little sailor but Mars was determined to at least try not to make her too used to the habit.

She walked over to Eddie and lifted the girl up so she could sit on her shoulders. "How about you ride Auntie's shoulders up the stairs, and we can race your dad? Show him that girls are way better than icky boys!" She turned around to look at Le, grasping Eddie's ankles so the little girl wouldn't fall off.

"See you at the top fatty!" she yelled and yanked open the door. She bolted out into the hallway and starting sprinting up the stairs as fast as she could.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry