Dude! Sister and hot do NOT go in the same sentence. Unless we're talking about your sister. Don't matter if the kids nice or not, point is, he's gonna have his mitts all over my sis. I'm legally obligated to hate him.
(no subject) @ 01:05 am
wash_away posted in blueridgeschool:
Dude! Sister and hot do NOT go in the same sentence. Unless we're talking about your sister. Don't matter if the kids nice or not, point is, he's gonna have his mitts all over my sis. I'm legally obligated to hate him.
Dude! Sister and hot do NOT go in the same sentence. Unless we're talking about your sister. Don't matter if the kids nice or not, point is, he's gonna have his mitts all over my sis. I'm legally obligated to hate him.