Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

March 8th, 2012

The Aftermath of the Full Moon @ 04:15 pm

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Date: March 15th, 2012 08:34 pm (UTC)


He grinned and laughed lightly. "You're more bad ass than the crocodile hunter. That's saying something. I suppose it's not so bad anymore. You can probably kick my ass now with that like... wolf strength or some shit," he pushed his hat back on his head and laughed when she said crikey. He didn't know how anyone would have kept a straight face. "Yeah well the bastard shoulda seen it coming. You can't get killed by a stingray without there being some sort of consequence."

He squeezed her hand back, it was time for the serious stuff. He had never really been good at that and he hadn't really been able to talk to Tatum about their dad but his jaw tightened and his lips set in a thin line. Mick Donnelly was number one on his shit list at the moment and that likely wouldn't change, not with the way he was treating the girls. "Listen Tat, I don't know how to break it lightly to you... your dad is a douche bag," he squeezed her hand again and smiled gently.

"You mean for good?" he asked quietly when the conversation turned over to their parents. A part of him was surprised that this had lasted as long as it did without Madeline leaving their father. She had always been strict but the whole thing with Tatum and now Sera had just been too much. "Mick Donnelly is getting what he deserves," he leaned over and kissed the side of her head. "He was never cool enough for us anyways."

He shook his head when she said she hadn't done it on purpose. "No shit Tate," he said, smiling gently. "If anyone thinks you went out there with the intention of getting turned into a werewolf then they're fucking nuts. It just pisses me off that you turning into a werewolf was Mad... mom's wake up call," he corrected himself. "We're not falling apart over this," he put his other hand over hers, looking at her seriously.

Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry