His grip on the wheel tightened as he listened to Sera's explanation of what had happened to the little red head. He realized for the first time that he was shaking but holding Sera's hand "Wolves don't just attack," he said darkly. "But the fuckin thing I pushed off her last full moon did. It-" he sighed, shaking his head. "It was a fuckin were and it had her scent. Them damn things don't back down from a hunt. I fuckin told here not to go out into the woods alone," he pursed his lips. Not for the first time he felt like he could have prevented something bad from happening.
He took a deep breath. "We're gonna do whatever it takes to help her get out of this thing okay?" he tried to reassure her. H e knew it was looking pretty grim if he was right though. At the best she'd be a lovable house trained ginger wolf once a month, at the worst she'd be an insatiably hungry.
"Sorry," he said quietly. He was sorry for it all really. He eased on the gas pedal as soon as Sera asked, not having noticed how hard his foot was pressed down. He slipped into a slower but still speedy pace, racing down the road. "You don't owe me nothing little sis," he said gently. "We family, we gotta take care of our own."