Tatum swallowed hard, her throat still feeling rather hoarse and raw, as she shifted herself carefully to lean against Sam more. "I-It's not your fault," she replied quietly, though she felt worry already beginning to gnaw mercilessly at her. This wasn't over, and it was going to have terrible repercussions. But they weren't alone, he wasn't alone, and they would work it out. Her heart had always gone out to him after what had happened to Felix, even if she had never known all of the details. For her own good, it seemed. But her heart still went out to him, and she couldn't be angry at him for hurting her, because the same thing had happened to him. This was no one's fault, as frustrating as it was, it had just happened.
"Y-You didn't-- ... I mean, i-it'll work out, like I-I know you'll.. y-you'll be there. I-I'm here, right? Things c-could be worse, I t-thought I was.." she trailed off a bit, chewing her lip without looking up at Sam, she still felt dizzy and her dream was fresher in her brain than she thought it normally would be after so long. "I t-thought I was done, I thought.. I w-was ready to meet Frankie, like I r-really thought I.. I w-was preparing myself.. y-you know, in case there's like.. h-heaven or whatever.. or h-hell, I guess, for me. I dunno. D-Depends who you believe, r-right?" she murmured.