She thought maybe it was just the drugs she was on, a whole hell of a lot more potent than her usual drugs, but she was totally lost with what Sam was saying. She squinted at him slightly, confused. "You n-never hurt anybody," she murmured back, hesitating as he spoke again. What exactly did he have to tell her? After what she had been through last night, she didn't think anything could surprise her.
Sam having something, everything, to do with last night though was the last thing she expected to hear. "W-What?" she managed to get out, staring back into his eyes. Feeling as groggy as she did, things were taking a long time to process, but it was slowly dawning on her. "That w-was-- you were t-the.."
Trailing off slightly, the redhead exhaled heavily, leaning back into the bed and feeling her own lower lip trembling slightly. Werewolf, Leland had been right about that. It made sense, didn't it? The damn thing was so huge, of course that made sense.. but she hadn't wanted to believe that. She was alive, but it was far from over. Turning her head a little so she was looking at Sam directly again, she reached over and touched his face, running her fingers over the ghost of the cut across his face. Le's piece of left of silver from his wand.
"Y-Your pretty face," she murmured, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes, making her squint again in an attempt to stop them. "I'm s-sorry too."