Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Mack/Tatum @ 09:31 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]michimonster's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Tatum had pretty much fallen back asleep as soon as Sam had snuck in to see her at the crack of dawn, and the boy's words were still sinking into her brain. He had attacked her, and he was a werewolf. They were werewolves now, the two of them. She was going to be like this, unfortunately, for the rest of her life. It was less scary, to not be in it alone, but it only helped her so much. She had definitely cried a little once he was gone, and she had gotten a moment to herself, letting that get her back to sleep.

She had been having another dream, this one about her mother instead of Frankie, but she didn't really remember what was happening when suddenly Mack was there. Her eyes opening slowly, she squinted at the blonde girl leaning over her and kissing her hand, and she gave her fingers a weak little wiggling.

"I'm p-pretty tough," she whispered, her voice no less hoarse than it had been just a couple of hours ago. She felt like shit, and she was still exhausted, especially after one of the healers had been in not long ago to give her another dose of pain-killing potion. She wanted to fall back asleep, but she wanted to see Mack as well. "W-What can I say?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry