Hunter had been sitting in a corner seat, legs folded and phone in her lap, absently texting Sera while the younger girl informed her that she and Leland were on the way. Mack would be happy to hear that, but as she looked up to inform her friend, she was just in time to see her friend putting her fist into the nearby wall. "Hey! Whoa!" Hunter cried, jumping out of her seat and moving over to where the shorter blonde was, catching her arm in midst of a punch and holding it. Michi had been very strict on telling her to make sure that they didn't get kicked out, this was an important time to behave, and Mack was getting some stares for the violence against inanimate objects.
"Don't be a cunt," she growled, glancing in the direction that Michi had gone to get their drinks. She could kill for that coffee right now, it was going to be a long ass night, even if she was going to have Eddie to keep her amused. Still, she was worried about her girlfriend as well as Mack's, she was unimpressed by the fact that the younger girl had gone ahead and lifted Tatum. It was a lot of weight to be throwing around when she was due in May, even with adrenaline probably working on her side. She didn't know for sure if she believed Michi that she was fine, and she was terrified that the stress and lifting would cause something horrible to happen to her girlfriend or their son. She was no doctor, but she wished someone who was would look at the other girl sooner.
To be quite honest, it was a little out of line she knew, but she was a little jealous that no one had taken the first move yet to make sure Michi was doing fine. Even if she said she was, Hunter was more than a bit pissed that no doctor had come forward to make sure. Pregnant girls weren't supposed to be hoisting ninety pounds of people into their cards in their third trimester. "You better get a hold on yourself, 'fore I put one on you. Everybody here got a lot on their mind," she grunted.
She was a bit sour about their night together being ruined as well, both with girlfriends and lives, it seemed like they never got to just hang out lately. Things were gone to shit now, the night was done, and she had a whole lot of worry and concern and feelings that she hated dealing with.