Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Sam/Tatum @ 08:41 pm

[info]samtaro commented on [info]michimonster's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

He knew when he woke up curled in a ball on top of a huge desk in the room at the bottom of King's Hall covered in blood that something was wrong. It didn't take much long than a shower and a change to hear the rampant gossip spreading around campus. A monster had attacked Tatum Donnelly. He had attacked Tatum Donnelly. Without another thought he was in the truck and driving to the hospital. He knew it was where he would find her. He had to see her, to know that she was still alive. It nearly killed him when he walked into the hospital with that sinking feeling in his stomach. He had been here all too often.

He recognized everyone in the waiting room but they were mostly passed out, it was still early in the morning. He snuck past them all, he knew he would have hell to deal with later, at least Mack would want to beat the shit out of him. For now he just needed to see Tatum, he needed to know she was going to survive. Coming to her room he opened the door slowly and peeked in.

He crumpled at the sight of her. "Oh Tate," he could feel warm tears pricking his eyes as he stepped closer. He crawled into the small hospital bed with her and he gently wrapped his arms around her. "Tatum please tell me you're okay."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry