"Yeah but she's a bitch," Michi shook her head. "No more talk like that, you aint gonna be seein no one tonight that aint walkin' this Earth right now, ya hear me? None of these ghosts bitches are gonna steal ya away," she said adamantly. "Though I'm sure your ma was perfectly nice, that that she was a bitch er anything."
She moved right onto the pokemon though. "They would be cute! Especially that crazy duck! Yori has a plushy of him, super cute," she muttered on about the pokemon. "Or like the little dinosaur one," she went on, sniffling a little. "You'd make a good little gym bunny.
"No, no, no," she said gently. "It weren't you're fault," she tried to reassure her. Though the more she talked about it, the more Michi began to think there really was a werewolf. That was fucked up. "You didn't fuck up nothing," she said. "Look, we're pulling into the hospital right now and they'll fix you right up. "No more worryin' about this alright?"
She pulled into the parking lot and parked like an asshole, as close to the entrance as she could and blocking at least three other cars. They could tow her ass if they wanted to. She didn't give a fuck. "Ok, we're here not Tate, are you ready? I'm gonna bring you in," she was already unbuckling and making her way around to the other side of the car.
She positioned herself once more and then counted to aloud to three before picking her up and heading into the emergency care unit.