Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 10:37 pm

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]samtaro's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"Y-Your mom gave you t-this?" she asked, gritting her teeth and willing herself to keep it together. Talking was making it better, it was keeping her on her toes a little bit, but she could still feel herself wavering and everything looked sort of fuzzy around the edges. Even Michi, right beside her, kept seeming far off at times. "I-I'd see my mom too.. if I.. w-well, I m-mean, it's not like I'll b-be alone, right?" Tatum suggested weakly. It felt better to think of it that way. They had to be close to the hospital now, she was fairly sure that was where they were going, but it felt like they had been driving for ages now.

"T-They would be cute," she agreed, cracking another weak smile. "I'd.. b-basically quit school and r-run away on an adventure.. m-maybe be a gym leader, t-that'd be pretty cool."

It felt sort of strange to be discussing Pokemon when her life was hanging in the balance, but it was distracting in a good way. That was exactly what she should have done, just smoked in her room and played a few good hours of Pokemon. None of this would have happened then, and they wouldn't be in this situation. If she died, she didn't want Michi to feel responsible. Squeezing the other girl's hand again, she felt her eyes beginning to tear up again, slipping down over her cheeks.

"T-There was, there.. t-there was a wolf, it w-was-- it was.. r-really big, and fast and.. I c-couldn't do anything," she explained, trailing off and letting out a little sob. "I s-shoulda known, I didn't.. I d-didn't think.. it's m-my own fault, it's all m-my fault," she sniffled, lifting her free hand and pressing it shakily against her face. "I-I fucked up again."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry