Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 03:11 pm

[info]letitbe posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Sasha, Leland, and whoever is passing by
Setting: The commons
Rating: NSFW, violence and cussing
Content: BRO FIGHT (without the bro)

With the news of what had happened between Leland and Faith, Sasha was heart broken. Leland was some douche bag jock who didn't give a damn about Faith but Sasha... he really loved her and always had. He was the one who would be there to support her when she was going through it, and he'd be the one to help her pick up the pieces. His blood was boiling, he felt sick to his stomach almost every single morning when he woke up and he couldn't fight it back all day. How could that motherfucker do that to her? How could he hurt her like that?

And there he was. Just sitting in the Commons like it was no big deal. The fact that he had the fucking nerve to stay on campus when he knew Faith was there... it just made him even angrier. With his fists clenched at his sides Sasha walked over to the other kid with a purpose. "Hey!" he called. Leland turned to look at him and it didn't take any more convincing. Sasha punched him hard in the face, catching his nose.

Leland, who had been sitting on one of the benches was knocked back by the punch, he could feel the blood coming and he knew it would start bleeding soon. A fight with some fucking kid was the last thing he needed. "What the fuck dude?" he was up quick, squaring off with the younger but much taller boy. "What's your problem?"

"My problem?" Sasha asked angrily. "It is you that has the problem!" he yelled swinging again.

Leland took the hit to the face before he recognized the kid. He was that gangly motherfucker who always hung around Faith. It finally clicked. "You're in love with her," he said cradling his jaw. "Look man, just think back to the night we hooked up. That love potion or whatever..."

Sasha lost all self control he had. "Do not talk about that night!" he yelled, unleashing a fury not many people had seen. He pummeled Leland to the ground. It was the only shot Leland had, he rolled and pinned Sasha.

"Cut it out dude! I don't wanna hurt you!" he threatened with his fist raised high but Sasha was beyond care. He punched up, catching Leland in the face again so Leland punched back, he felt the younger boy's nose break under his fist. People were starting to gather around them now. "Stop kid, I don't want to fight you!"

Sasha pushed Leland hard enough to throw him back. He scrambled over the ground, trying to reach the other boy. Once he caught him he grabbed the collar of his shirt and started pounding him, punching him where ever he could. "You are a disgusting creature! I do not want to see you near her ever again!" he pinned Leland to the ground once more.

Leland punched upward and caught Sasha in the face over and over but that didn't stop the younger boy from punching him right back. They beat on each other until there was a pair of strong arms around Sasha's chest and pulling him back. He struggled and tried to fight against his captor. "Do not ever go near my Faith again! I will kill you if you ever try to touch her again!"

"God damn it Starikov! Settle yer little ass down!" Teodoro's voice rang out from the jeers from the crowd. He pulled the struggling junior away from the fray and turned him around, standing in front of him. Teodoro and Ellie had been the first two on the scene and Teo wanted to wait for someone a bit bigger before trying to interfere but Ellie was giving him that look and he knew they had to tag in.

While Teo was dealing with the bigger, wilder boy Ellie tended to Leland. She squatted down in front of him and held his face in her hands, examining him carefully.

It was eerie the way the woman was looking at him so silently, then he remembered, the groundskeeper didn't speak.

She sighed and stood up, holding her hand down to him to help him up. Leland let the woman help him up and she motioned for him to follow her. She brought him straight to the doctor's office. Teo hung back with Sasha though, letting Ellie put some space between the boys. "Now listen here you little Russian fuck," Teo growled. "I'm sick'a havin' to pull you off these stupid ass punk kids all the time. You better reign in that damn temper 'a yours 'fore you end up in detention with me. I'll make sure you never wanna fight again god damn it," he grabbed Sasha by the ear and started dragging him toward King's Hall. "Headmaster Sato's gonna be all nice to ya but lemme give you a bit of reality. I see you fightin' on these grounds ever again..."

"Thank you Teo, I will take it from here," Ichirou's voice was jovial and upbeat as usual. "Come Mister Starikov, we have much to discuss," he said brightly. Sasha followed behind the headmaster, slumping the whole way to the office.

"Yes headmaster," he said darkly.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry