(no subject) @ 05:02 pm
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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry |
February 20th, 2012CommentsEverywhere Sera looked more people just kept piling in, filling up nearly every corner of the house. And it was still early, she was sure things would only get worse once the night went on. Everyone at this point still seemed to be mostly behaving themselves, from what she could see anyway, but most people were still only on their first drink. The decorations were holding up for now, but she really didn't expect them to last. Despite all the hard work she'd put into getting everything ready. The food, she noticed, was already quickly diminishing off the tables. She had had enough, but there really wasn't going to be enough food for all of these unexpected guests. Not that she particularly wanted them they anyway. She still hadn't seen Jenny, but she knew it wasn't likely she'd be very pleased. She'd probably be pissed even. Sera knew from the start she'd probably regret trusting Hunter with something so important, but they had been a huge help, if with all the trouble they caused. She was sure Mack was involved in the whole thing too, she She kind of just wanted to end the whole thing and kick out the extra unwanted guests. There was still time to save the twins party, atleast, she figured anway. She'd put much time into it to just have it ruined, and worst of all, she broke another promise. She really felt let Jenny down again. Things just seemed to be spiralling out of control around her though, every minute seemed to produce more guests it seemed. The door was opening and closing non-stop, the Floo was practically backed up and others were just apparating right into the middle of things. If she was going to get a handle on things she was definitely going to need some help. If it was even possible at all at this point. She doubted, even if she was able to find Hunter, Mack and Leland and convince them to help, that there was that much even they could do. Even if they couldn't remove everyone though, they could atleast help to restrain them a little bit or something, Mack and Hunter especially. They caused this! She wasn't wasn't going to be the only one following people around with coasters and napkins, she had planned on trying to spend the whole evening with Jenny. There really wasn't a questions about it, how she saw it, they were helping to keep things under control and were definietly helping with clean up in the morning. Really, whether they liked it or not! Sera was just about to freak on a senior boy was blatantly trying to spike the punch, she had made especially for Jenny with a forty of rum when she saw a head of blond hair, looking suspeciously like Hunter slip past her and into the kitchen. Choosing her battles, not knowing when she'd get another chance to say what she had to say she ignored the senior and headed after the older girl instead. She called out her name, hoping she'd hear over everything and already coming off a bit irritated. "Hunter!" She bellowed again, breaking through the sound of party a bit better the second time.
Hunter had always known that once people started showing up, and Sera realized that she and Mack had turned her tiny get-together into a full on rager, that it would probably be best if she got to stepping. However, she had barely gotten one foot into the kitchen before she heard the younger girl shouting behind her. She tried to ignore the first calling of her name, but Sera wasn't giving up, and she turned right around with a wide grin to look at her younger friend.
"Yes, my love?" she sing-songed, holding out the beer in her hand. It was half gone and a little warm, but it was the peace offering that counted. "Thirsty?"
"No, I'm not as a matter of fact." Sera scoffed, not really even looking at the beer in Hunter's hand. She was always trying to give her her gross warm bottoms, and beer was already disgusting enough, that was just repulsive.
"I told you not to invite anyone! I was handling the guest list. This isn't what Jenny wanted and you know very well it's too fucking late to stop it now. That was your plan, wasn't it? Of course it was!" She rolled her eyes at the blond and basically answering her own question without giving her a chance to answer. She planted her hands on her hips, staring up a little ways at the blond girl. "You're going to be a parent, remember? Don't you think it's time you started acting a little more mature? Are you going to turn Michi's baby shower into a rave too?!" She turned a way from Hunter just long enough to get herself a drink of soda. She poured about half of a cup and turned back to Hunter. She really did want to hear what she had to say for herself. If there was one thing she knew, Hunter was good for it was trying to charm her way out of a pinch.
Hunter knew when she was beat, and when she was beat, the only real option was to turn on the suave. She took the beer back when Sera turned it down, and chugged the bottom herself, before chucking the can aside with some other empties already piled on a nearby end table. "Sera, you gotta calm down!" Hunter insisted gently, watching the brunette with her hands on her hips like that and trying hard not to burst out laughing.
"Of course I ain't gonna turn that into a rave, I ain't invited! Dads don't go to that boring shit.. me an' Mack are gonna go see a movie or something, y'know. Go play a round of golf. I ain't really good at golf, but I smashed a guy's back car window in with a club once, and all dads play golf," she explained. Watching the brunette get her soda, she sidled up behind her younger friend, giving Sera a little pout. "C'mon though baby, it's just a party.. don't y'all think, the more the merrier? Like, ain't that the sayin' or whatever?" |
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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry |