Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Alex/Max @ 06:47 pm

[info]btchholdmypurse commented on [info]alwaysontop's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"Those two are something else.. even worse, I'd say. No one has any idea where their bloodline really comes from. Who would adopt them, honestly? I would have just sent them back to the orphanage or whatever hovel they crawled out from, if I was their mother."

She really had no qualms about tearing people down, and she had never really liked Jenny and Ella in the first place. She had always been too pally with Charlie, and the other twin.. well, she was just a moron. Why didn't someone put the idiot on some ritalin before she hurt herself or something? Ugh, the two of them just made the dark-haired girl roll her eyes. How did girls like that end up in any position of power at a proper school.. it was beyond her.

"You're right. I don't know why people see the need to mix blood.. I mean, half-bloods are all right, if you must. There are exceptions. But the muggleborns.. well, I draw a line, you know. When my father went here, it was a much better place. It's falling to shambles now, with our little idiot of a Headmaster and his stupid little ideas and plans for shaping the future.. what a joke he is."

Smirking brightly over at Max, Alex reached over and gave his arm another squeeze. There would probably be some good things to snap tonight, she wouldn't mind a scandalous shot or two of little miss President either. If she could bring all three of the nerds down at once, it'd be the perfect strike. "Excellent. I'm sure that the two of them will have.. lots of making up to do tonight. She's obviously thrown this shit party in some attempt to win her way back into that little bitch's cheap cotton panties.. ugh, disgusting."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry