"Don't say I said anything, but the soft squishy side is w-way cuter than the like.. tough cookie side," Tatum replied, grinning slowly herself. When he patted her head, she felt herself blushing despite her attempts to stay chill. "Y-Yeah, that'd be.. pretty c-cool actually, yeah. Do y-you have a DS? Or like, a 3DS.. R-Resident Evil Mercenaries is a-amazing, I uhm.. play online a lot."
It did make her feel a little better to hear that someone else was going through the same thing as her, it seemed like she was far from the only person around who had a father that wasn't perfect. But that only provided so much comfort. Misery loved company, but she mostly just wanted her dad back. Before this whole gay fiasco, he hadn't been a bad dad at all, aside from maybe a little intense. He pressured her about her grades a lot, but he only wanted the best for her. She knew, unfortunately, in his own way that he thought he was doing what was best for her right now too. Except she wasn't going to give in and come home and live the way he wanted her to. Even if he thought she would eventually, she had already promised herself that she wouldn't. She was who she was, and there was no sense in trying to change it.
"Shit d-dads suck," she agreed weakly. "My dad like, t-thinks being gay is a disease or s-something.. like people just, get over it. It's w-who you are, man! It's not-- h-he's just a jerk. He's closed-minded.. f-fuck him, I guess."