"Mack just likes to punch, I think," Tatum replied, trying hard to keep herself from blushing any harder as Le complimented her. He was glad he saved her? He had seemed sort of sullen that night, but she supposed that if he wanted to let her die, he could have.. so obviously, he must have wanted to help her a little. All of the praise from him was one of the last things she was expecting, and it was hard to keep from getting embarrassed.
"Y-You wanna play games? With me?" she asked, her voice cracking a bit as she pushed into her bedroom when they reached it, and she took a cursory glance around. Things were still scattered about, but most of the small stuff was gone. It was a lot of furniture left so far. "Well.. uhm, w-we're sort of cat burglars. We're not supposed to be d-doing this?"
She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted to explain her situation entirely to her girlfriend's drunk friend, but figuring she might as well say something. "My d-dad doesn't want me to live here anymore, so.. I'm j-just taking my stuff. But h-he doesn't know I'm here! So it's.. secret."