Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Leland/Tatum @ 09:06 pm

[info]wash_away commented on [info]alwaysontop's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"You are so cute!" he said, almost accusingly. "Like a cute little ginger nerd but..." he put his finger to his lips. "Don't tell Mack, she'll... she'll punch me for saying so. It's like not a crime man."

He pretty much had to trust her to lead him down the hallway as he was in no state to stumble through the darkness alone. "I'm glad I was there too little nerd," he giggled. "No dead nerds on my watch."

"Hey since you're like... know... Mack's girlfriend and she might be moving into my building we should play video games together and smoke and shit. I mean... not all nerds is bad," he mumbled. "Why we takin' shit anyways?" he asked. "Are we..." he snorted and giggled maniacally. "ARE WE CAT BURGLARS?!"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry