Leland followed along dutifully as Tatum pulled him up the stairs, occasionally getting his shoulders wedged between two people and having to turn to keep up with Tatum's lead. "I am not-not that drunk!" he insisted. He sure was that drunk.
"I couldn't let a cute little nerd like you get mauled by a bear," he said. "I'd nuver... I'd never hear the end of it from Mack and I'd feeeeeeel my feeeeelings," he gave her the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster. "And just so you know," he said poking his own nose with his free hand as if to prove a point. "Just so you know, I don't usually c-carry around um... a knife. It was sliver- er silver. I was makin' a wand with sliver," he squinted, that damn word kept tripping him up. "SILVER. FUCKING SILVER. Yeah, I was makin' a wand with that metal and had a little scrap left over in my pocket. Silver pocket."