Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Leland/Tatum @ 12:00 am

[info]ojandtostitos commented on [info]alwaysontop's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"I-I'm.. I'm not even a p-prude!" Tatum protested, squirming a bit as her poked her in the shoulder. "And I just need your help 'cos it's.. well, I could levitate it I-I guess, but I've been apparating with some s-stuff that I need to uhm, take back to school. Mack was d-doing stuff so I didn't really get her to help," she trailed off. Upon the mention of wolves, her eyes went wide. "N-No! Don't stab a-anything! There's no.. w-we don't have wolves like that in Maine."

Staring blankly at him again as he lifted his hand for a high-five, she waited a moment to consider whether he was being sarcastic with her or not, before lifting her own hand and slapping his back. "W-Well, uhm.. I mean, I can't. M-Magic can't make miracles happen. You're g-gonna be all gruff lookin' forever. D-Do chicks dig that anyway?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry