Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 09:47 pm

[info]alwaysontop posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

"I know you like the view that's all." She turned to Jenny smiling and swinging their hands a bit between them. Walking hand in hand with her ex, everything really did seem like it was back to normal again. Sera really could not have been happier. "It's no problem, Jen. It's really not that expensive.. I could be taken you to that French place I like." The brunette laughed a bit, turning back to Jenny again. That place was expensive. She usually only got to eat their when her mom was in town for lunch or something.

"We could always get chicken nuggets for our second date?" She joked back, squeezing the older girls hand a bit back. "Maybe Macdonald's? I haven't been there in forever actually. Max doesn't -- I just haven't been there in a while." She went with instead. She really just didn't want to talk or think about him at all right now.

When they reached the car Sera finally let go of the blond's hand, holding the passenger door open for her instead. Closing the door behind her she made her way around and crawled in, quickly pulling on her seatbelt. "All set then?" She asked, turning to Jenny, who she noticed was already all bucked in too. She flicked the radio up a bit, turning it to a station that didn't completely suck. She left it fairly low though, just incase Jenny wanted to talk on the way there. Sera kind of wanted it a cigarette, but she didn't want one if Jenny wasn't having one. She didn't want to stink the whole night.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry