Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 01:53 am

[info]sosuccsexy commented on [info]alwaysontop's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Jenny had been pacing her own room more nervously than she would have wanted to admit to Sera. She honestly didn't even know why she had agreed to go out with the younger girl on Valentine's day, effectively wasting both that and her own eighteenth birthday. Even though February fourteenth was generally one of her favorite days of the year, this had been of the worst ever so far. She had just been in an off mood, nervous and worried about how the night would go, all day long. Paula had already made comments earlier over video chat about how peaky she was looking.

Something about the other night had stuck with her. She was mad at Sera still, apprehensive as hell, but she couldn't just let her go and write her off. There was something more between them, and even if she felt awful for not spending Valentine's day with Charlie after all that the blonde had done for her in the last couple of months, she did want to be with her ex. It was a weird thought, but she truly did. Sera had broken her heart, and totally broken her trust. Hell, she had even lied to her about Hunter. But she could forgive that, couldn't she? If she had the time, she felt she could. They just needed to work together.

She didn't even care what they did tonight, which was the worst part. So much as she wanted to be angry and put off with the brunette, she just couldn't stop thinking about opening the door and seeing Sera standing there. It had been too long. She missed her terribly.

When she finally heard the knock on her door, she turned to look that way, hesitating a moment and letting out a shaky sigh. This was it, make it or break it. She couldn't keep getting jerked around or shunted aside, but if Sera meant everything she had said the other night after their fight with Max, then maybe they could give each other another chance. If not, then Jenny didn't know. She just hoped things would go well, that they could talk, really talk and get through things together, like they had always done before.

Moving over to her door, she unknowingly mimicked Sera on the other side, pausing to check her own hair before she opened up. She hoped the dress wasn't too much. She had gotten the younger girl a card, unsure what else she should have got but not wanting to go empty handed. No one deserved to get nothing on Valentine's day. Trying not to look too excited, Jenny regarded Sera with a very small smile. "Hey," she greeted her softly.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry