Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 03:40 pm

Anonymous commented on [info]sunnygarcia's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Bastian had been so engrossed with working recently that if it hadn't been for the disastrous dance he would have forgotten it was Valentines at all. Still, he kept catching himself wincing at the thought of Erica. He really really liked Sunny and it was disappointing to know that he had so little self control he couldn't even fight off some student love potion.

When his door knocked he ran to answer it, goggles in place and a faint haze of purple smoke drifting around the dorm room. "Oh! Hello" Bas said, blushing slightly and forgetting he currently had goggles practically glued to his face. He ushered Sunny in, smiling broadly but feeling the guilt in the pit of his stomach.

"Sorry I was just doing a little work" he explained, opening a window and standing lamely by it, still smiling. "I am glad you have come to see me though!"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry