(no subject) @ 10:25 pm
Characters: Ella and Hendrix and all of the passersby
Setting: The commons, Valentine's Day
Rating: SFW
Summary: Ridiculously cute as Hen tries to win back his woman.
Hendrix had been getting the silent treatment and for as much as he felt he deserved it to some extent, he couldn't stand it. So he prepared a retinue of his favorite Beatles songs and readied himself. "You messed it up, you can fix it," he told his reflection after adjusting his tie one last time and stepping out with his guitar. He had her Valentine's Day gift but that wasn't enough and he knew it. He had to prove himself.
He knew that during their lunch hour most people would be out in the commons, making their way to class or sitting down for a little lunch. It was there that he spotted her. It nearly broke his heart to see her but know how upset she was with him. No matter. He would fix it, he had to fix it. He started strumming, tentatively at first. That wouldn't do it, not at all. He started over, this time playing louder and he began singing; something he never did in public. He looked right at her though, doing his best to keep eye contact despite the fact that his face was turning redder and redder as more and more people stopped by to watch the fool on campus with a guitar.
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