Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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[Email to Sera] @ 09:52 am

[info]ojandtostitos posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

To: Sera Donnelly-Rousseau []
From: Tatum Donnelly []
Subject: K awkward but hear me out..

Not trying to be like gay or anything, but if you are actually dead serious about this moving out with us and getting your shit together, uhm.

Well, bitches love Taylor Swift, okay? Just saying. You just might wanna give that one a try, I dunno. It kind of fits eerily good I think, so don't like cry or anything please jesus fuck. I know you're not really musically inclined, so you might have to do it John Cusack style and hold a boombox outside Quirank.

I dunno, consider it some big sisterly advice cos I guess I am technically qualified to give some occasionally..

NOT THAT I LISTEN TO TAYLOR SWIFT. I'm way harder than that.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry