Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 07:19 pm

[info]samtaro posted in [info]blueridgeschool:

Characters: Sam and Mackenzie
Setting: Wednesday morning, the parking lot
Rating: Sam is uh... nekked
Summary: Awkward run-in number one.

He could taste blood, that was never a good sign. Opening his eyes he realized he was laying on the hard ground, it was cold and felt like pavement. He opened his eyes to see the black top of the school parking lot and rows of cars. Panicked he sat up straight. The last thing he could remember was tearing through his own room looking for something... what the hell had he been looking for?

There was something on his face though, that was currently taking his mind away from the night before. He felt sticky, warm... he reached up delicately and touched his own face. The hand he brought down was bloody and Sam had a good feeling that only some of it was his own. It was only then, sitting on the ground that Sam realized he was totally and completely naked. Pushing himself up from the ground he looked around and spotted his flannel from the night before on the outskirts of the woods. If he got there, he would probably find his shorts nearby.

Running as fast as he could he made it to the shirt and started to clean the blood off. It would be much less suspicious if he returned to his room without looking like a bloody mess. He scavenged around for his shorts but couldn't find them. Finally, he called it quits and headed toward the building. It was still earlier enough that most people weren't even awake. Most people.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry