Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 02:58 am

[info]wash_away commented on [info]ojandtostitos's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"Mighta been something wrong with it," he said looking forward. "Did it bite you? Scratch you?" he asked gently. "Fuck, I never seen one that big before," he shook his head. He just hoped there wasn't more of them out in the woods. That would be a nightmare.

"Well next time come out with someone, aight?" he asked trying to keep his voice cool like he didn't give a damn. "Just 'bout anyone round here would be willing to smoke with you if you just asked. No need to put yourself at risk..." That's when he looked up at the sky and noticed the moon. "Fuck..." It had to be full or close to it.

Leland cracked a little grin. "I wont' even tell her you were stupid enough to go out in the woods by yourself," he said putting his finger to his lips.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry