Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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(no subject) @ 12:54 am

[info]wash_away commented on [info]ojandtostitos's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

Leland had been staying late in the crafting lab to study and practice a few techniques with melding wood and metals. It was dangerous and not to mention hard to study at the apartment with Eddie running around and throwing Legos at him so when midterms were so close he made sure to spend more time on campus. It had been a long night and he just wanted to get home so finally he turned in for the night and headed for the parking lot. With his backpack full and some scrap metal in his pockets he walked toward the car. It was kind of spooky out, a little dark, a little to quiet until something ripped through the air. Screaming, then howling, then more screaming. It was getting closer.

Most people on campus would run for the aurors office or try to call for help but there was something in Leland that was dedicated to chivalry so he dropped his backpack and ran as fast as he could toward the source of the screaming to see a giant wolf tackling Tatum. "What the fuck?!" he hollered.

The wolf howled up at the sky and started to lunge. Leland knew he needed to get it off the girl so he lunged, a piece of the scrap metal in his hand. He aimed for the face and neck, cutting the wolf deeply. It yelped and backed away. The silver in Leland's hand was steaming. "The fuuuck," he stood over Tatum protectively, shoving the knife at the slowly retreating wolf. "Get the fuck outta here!" he hollered.

The wolf backed off slowly then disappeared into the woods. Leland sighed in relief then turned back to the redhead on the ground. "You okay?" he asked holding his hand to help her up.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry