When Hunter started hollering and sprang out of bed, Mack fell off of the small bed, hitting the floor hard. "What the fuck Hunter?" She yelled, she figured that they must have gotten trashed at the dance together last night and ended up in their sleeping bag. She felt like she was hung over anyway, there was something wrong though. It took her a moment to figure out exactly what is was, but when she realized she was naked in her own bed, she jumped up quickly. What the fuck had happened last night? Clutching a blanket to her chest, the events of the evening came trickling back. Mack felt like she wanted to throw up.
"No," Mack muttered. She was shaking her head, a horrified look on her face. "Oh fuck no!! Dude, that's...fuckin'...gross! We...didn't. We couldn't have! Oh man, this is so fucked up!!"
She looked over at Hunter, trying extremely hard not to meet her eyes as her tall friend was swearing about rape and carrying on. "I didn't fuckin' rape you, jesus!" She screamed back at Hunter, feeling a whole new wave of nausea hit her as she saw Hunter just as naked. It somehow made it real, confirmed all of the misty memories that were playing through her head. "Fuck!" She screamed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Maybe...maybe we didn't do anything? Right?"