Sera wasn’t exactly a heavy sleeper and was generally up at the crack of dawn anyway, so hearing a faint shuffling sound from the other side of the room her eyes opened up instinctively. Figuring it had to just be Sim or Meka, she just pulled the blankets up abit and rolled over.. suddenly meeting a mop of blond hair. Her heart practically flew into her throat...
Jen! She just about gasped out loud before suddenly cluing in but not completely. It couldn’t be Jenny. She didn’t even remember talking to her. She had been looking for her but she ran into..Shit! Charlie! Suddenly remembering everything she ducked under the blankets further, trying not to move or dare rouse the other girl. What was she supposed to do? Jenny was going to kill her if she found out. Probably both of them actually. What were they thinking??
Still tucked under the blankets, curled with her back away from Charlie, she came to another realization. With everything she saw the night before that probably wasn’t Sim she heard moving around in Meka's bed either.