Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Faith/Leland @ 01:13 pm

[info]charliemanson commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

When Faith woke up the morning after the night before, she felt like she'd been hit round the head with a baseball bat. Motherfuck, what had she been drinking? With a groan she reached over to her right, she always kept a glass of water on her nightstand, but all she felt was something soft and warm. Something rising and falling steadily. Looking over in surprise, Faith scrambled away from the body next to her until her back was against the wall. With her heart beating fast she looked around. Where the fuck was she? Looking under the blankets she and the stranger were tangled in, her eyes went wide. Where were her clothes?

This was too weird. Okay, first things first, she would find her clothes and find out where the hell she was. Preferably without waking up whoever this was next to her. It couldn't be a student, they weren't in any campus room. Oh Melrin, had she fucked some old guy? His back didn't look wrinkly.

Ungracefully, Faith crawled over his body, taking the blanket with her and wrapping it around herself as she hunted around his floor, finding only one of her shoes. Little bits of the night were coming back to her. Had there been legos? Something like that. As she went to get a better look at his dude's face she groaned. Flossy. Flossy was crawling on his head. "Flossy, if you wake this shit head up, I am feeding you to the fishes" she whispered harshly at the centipede, snatching her pet off of his face and contemplating hiding as he stirred.

"Err... Hello" Faith said awkwardly, looming over the boy (he definitely looked like a boy), grasping the insect in one hand and the blankets in the other.

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry