When Sera kissed her, Charlie was sure that she saw stars. Her brain was slowly turning into mush as she kissed the smaller girl back. It was perfect, Charlie had been crazy to even consider anyone else. When Sera pulled away, Charlie pouted slightly. She had been enjoying that kiss, but once she saw Sera shaking her head, she couldn't help but smile. "You're too cute Ser," she said, kissing her again.
She didn't know why she hadn't realized it, Sera Donnelly had always been the answer. She was smart, beautiful, talented and driven. Charlie knew her father would have approved of Sera the second he met her. She pulled away from the kiss, a wide grin on her face. She leaned in to plan a quick kiss to the tip of Sera's nose.
"You couldn't possibly be the happiest girl in the world," she protested. "Because I'm the happiest girl in the world!" She laughed, giving Sera a goofy look. "Well, I suppose you could do me the honor of being my girlfriend? Then I'd really be the happiest girl in the world." She waited nervously for Sera's reply. She was so in love with the smaller girl it hurt. She couldn't imagine ever being without her, and she hoped to god that the other girl wouldn't shoot her down.