Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Meka/Alex @ 12:42 am

[info]btchholdmypurse commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

"Whatever," Alex groaned, already bored of listening before Meka had even really gotten a chance to explain herself. Looking skeptically down at the cup full of red punch, she furrowed her eyebrows a bit. She snatched the cup from the other girl, and gave it a cursory sniff. It didn't smell strange, or even like it was spiked. She had to be holding a flask somewhere.

But what if she had some Patron or something really classy in her punch, there was always a possibility. Raising it to her lips, Alex took a tiny sip, making a face right afterward. "Ugh, that's disgustingly sweet," she muttered, her expression sour.

Just a few seconds later, however, the girl's expression suddenly softened a bit as she looked at Meka closely. She felt like she was looking at the other girl was new eyes. Had she really been that good looking a second ago? For a band nerd, she really was quite a catch. "Hey," she began slowly, deciding that Meka was actually much more than a little good looking, she was like.. gorgeous. "Would you really write a whole song for me?"

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry