Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Faith/Leland @ 10:18 pm

[info]wash_away commented on [info]blueridgemod's post in [info]blueridgeschool:

He accepted the pack of cigarettes from her, brushing his fingers over her hands before taking one and hanging the pack back. He didn't even like cigarettes but whatever, she was totally worth it. He lit his cigarette and looked at her carefully. He didn't want to drop the bomb and have her run away but she deserved to know. "Faith... don't freak out or anything 'cause like... you're so fuckin' rad and I just wanna be with you but I gotta be honest..."

He took a long drag on his cigarette and exhaled. "I got a baby girl. She's almost two now and she's real cool but I feel that... you should know that."

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Blue Ridge School of Witchcraft and Wizardry