I guess it's not like offical. We're just hanging out. I did take him to my birthday dinner though, thought dad'd like it. He's always asking when he's gonna get to meet one of my boyfriends, thought it be a good time. I guess.
(no subject) @ 06:24 pm
alwaysontop posted in blueridgeschool:
I guess it's not like offical. We're just hanging out. I did take him to my birthday dinner though, thought dad'd like it. He's always asking when he's gonna get to meet one of my boyfriends, thought it be a good time. I guess.
I guess it's not like offical. We're just hanging out. I did take him to my birthday dinner though, thought dad'd like it. He's always asking when he's gonna get to meet one of my boyfriends, thought it be a good time. I guess.