It was still taking some time, but Tatum had slowly become a little bit more accepting of how things were going to go down. When it came down to it, doing dangerous things was sort of what aurors did all of the time, so if she couldn't deal with a simple recon mission, then she was probably in for a very unpleasant long haul. Everything Mack had revealed to her about herself and Hunter had left her feel more confident that they could take care of each other, but no one was perfect, and she knew worry would be nagging at her until the two tall blondes actually walked in the door.
She was doing her best to just focus on relaxing and waiting patiently for them to return, and she was elbows deep in cords as she was hooking up her Playstation in the common room. It was pretty dead for a Friday night, but that just gave them all the more free reign. It made her feel a lot less anxious about everything, and anything to lower her anxiety was a plus right then.
Looking up with an AV plug still in her grip, she grinned broadly over at Michiko. "I'm totally ready, as soon as I plug this in, we're gravy!" she informed her. She had her own spread of food ready to go, and she had already excused herself to the woods just behind university house for a joint, careful to make sure there weren't any watches looping around to catch her.
"You really don't care if Kate Moss is down here?" she asked, looking over to where the lizard was sitting quitely blankly in the chair Tatum had chosen for herself. "She doesn't do much, but she a-actually likes to sit on my lap way more than Teagan.. I l-looked it up, I don't think there's any uhm, issues with pregnant ladies. And bearded dragons. I don't think," she murmured. Hunter had said something about 'the damn creepy thing will probably be trying to eat Monkey' before she left, but Tatum had only heard half of it before Mack had ushered her away.